10 Things to look for before buying a Riding Boot

Your feet are at a greater risk while riding a bike. wearing a Nike Runner or a sandal is not going to help them in any crash. A good quality riding boot is a must have accessory for a good rider. Safety shoes are a cheap compromise if you are unwilling or unable to spend a lot of money on riding boots.

Safety shoes or work shoes or work boots are not designed for riding, but for factory working. That said Work shoe are still better than a Nike/Puma sport shoe due to strong sole, toe box. The best option is to get a proper riding boot >10-12,000 ₹ (150$+) .  Remember some cheap riding boot offer little extra protection as compared to safety shoes.


For everyone’s benefit here are the important things to look for when choosing a riding boot.

1. Strong Toe box for toe protection, gear change.

  1. Riding boots use Composite plastic -> Bigger and better
  2. Safety shoes use steel toe -> smaller stronger Heavy
  3. Sports shoes use fabric -> zero protection.

2. Heel box for heel region.

  1. Riding boots use Composite plastic -> Bigger and better
  2. Safety shoes use leather (or little plastic) -> little protection
  3. Sports shoes use fabric -> zero protection.

3. Thick and strong Sole

  1. Riding boots use special material and sole is almost flat -> strong and comfortable gear shift
  2. Safety shoes use special material with taller heel and groove -> strong
  3. Sports shoes use rubber -> twists and turns zero protection.

4 Laces can get caught in gear levers/foot pegs leading to tipping and falling

  1. Riding boot -> No lace
  2. Safety shoes use big laces -> dangerous unless careful.
  3. Sports shoes use big laces -> dangerous unless careful.

5. Taller boots (shin high) do not easily come out during accident.

  1. Riding boot -> shin high
  2. Safety shoes -> ankle or low cut. dangerous
  3. Sports shoes -> mostly low cut, dangerous.

6. Ankle Protection. Ankle injuries are easiest to get and worst.

  1. Riding boots use Composite plastic or alloy -> Bigger and better
  2. Safety shoes use leather (or little padding) -> little protection
  3. Sports shoes use open ankle-> zero protection.

7. Shin Protection. shin injuries are common.

  1. Riding boots use TPU or Composite plastic or alloy -> Bigger and better
  2. Safety shoes -> zero protection
  3. Sports shoes -> zero protection.

8 Waterproof, India is the land of rivers and potholes. this is important.

  1. Riding boots waterproof -> comfortable. (if goretex then no sweat)
  2. Safety shoes use leather-> sweaty and uncomfortable
  3. Sports shoes use fabric-> breathable but uncomfortable when wet.

9 shin high Thermal lining on the inner side of the shoe to save from hot engine/ silencer

  1. Riding boots thermal plastic ->safe
  2. Safety shoes use leather or nothing -> little or no protection
  3. Sports shoes -> zero protection.

10 Price.

  1. Riding boots are expensive but worth the risk of riding. suggestion do not buy anything cheaper than ₹10-12k.
  2. Work boots, safety shoes are cheaper compromise but know the risk. -> Suggestion : Bata Endura High cut. costs ₹1200-1400
  3. sports shoe, chappals, sandals, barefoot, are almost same and dangerous.

other rider experiences -> What is it with motorcycle boots? | Adventure Rider

will end with Quote from Mick Doohan.
